ARIADNEXT & Identity.TM are now IDnow.Learn more

IDnow eID

Simple, compliant, chip-based identity verification using the German identity card.

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NFC-based identity verification

Simple and AML-compliant for fast onboarding.

It takes an electronic ID card and a smartphone for your customers to conveniently register for your services.

IDnow eID is an automated and fully AML-compliant identification product, using what your customers probably already have: a German national ID card with an activated eID function and an NFC-enabled (Near Field Communication) smartphone.

This makes IDnow eID a fast and user-friendly way for your customers to identify themselves with their German identity card.

To improve conversion, IDnow eID can be seamlessly combined with IDnow VideoIdent to provide users with alternative identification solutions within our unique platform, if the eID function is not enabled or the smartphone does not have an NFC interface.

Chip-based identification for easy and fast onboarding.

  • Compliant.

    The product is compliant with the Anti-Money-Laundering Act (AMLA) as well as the Telecommunications Act (TCA).

  • Fast.

    Identity verification takes less than a minute and can be carried out conveniently at any time – no need to wait in line.

  • Flexible.

    Users choose their favorite identification methods and maintain full control over the release of personal data.

  • Secure.

    All communication takes place through encrypted channels. We use only high-security data centers located in the European Union.

User Flow

Seamless identity verification using the identity card.

The German national identity card must be equipped with a radio frequency identification chip (RFID chip) and the eID function must be switched on. The user also needs their personal 6-digit PIN. The smartphone requires an NFC (Near Field Communication) interface, as the mobile device serves as a card reader and the data is transmitted via an encrypted channel.

Verification in 5 simple steps

The user chooses an IDnow eID identification.

The user enters their personal 6-digit PIN.

The user holds the ID card next to their NFC-enabled smartphone.

The relevant data is cross-checked with the user and transmitted through a secure encrypted channel. Background checks verify the validity of the ID card and whether it has been blocked.

The verification process is completed instantly.

Use case

IDnow eID enables electronic identification for many use cases in Germany.

line of yellow and orange and curve line of blue green

Due to its compliance with the German anti-money laundering and telecommunications acts IDnow eID is relevant as electronic identification for many industries, such as finance, insurance, and telecommunications. Users can enjoy seamless identity verification to purchase a prepaid SIM card, open bank accounts, make digital deposits, and verify themselves to access insurance platforms or personal information.

Benefit from our in-depth industry and expert knowledge and receive regular information on regulatory changes in KYC and digital identities via our KYC Insider Newsletter or contact us directly.

Download our Fact sheet

Better for your business.

  • Improved conversion
  • High level of legal compliance
  • Customizable mobile and web integration
  • Secure storage of customer data

Better for your customers.

  • Anytime and anywhere
  • Verification in just a few minutes
  • No additional hardware
  • Easy to use

Our Products


Digital verification via video-chat, backed by AI-technology. Our AML-compliant solution meets high security requirements.


Automated, AI-powered identity verification for users all over the world – anytime, anywhere. And AML-compliant.

Our automated instant identity verification is based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It’s simple, secure, and available anywhere, at any time. PVID

Identity verification is in the process of being certified by the ANSSI and complies with the Anti-Money Laundering Directives (AML-CFT) and meets high security requirements.


NFC-based solution for the electronic German identification card. Our identity verification solution with easy data scanning via smartphone. AML-compliant.

Let’s talk business.
