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Discover our PVID solution: Identity Proofing Service

Do you want to integrate a PVID (Remote Identity Verification Provider) certified solution into your applications? We have optimized and enriched our solution suite to offer you a PVID certified solution no matter your industry, use case or additional regulatory requirements.

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Why and how did the PVID standard come about?

With the explosion of digital and online offerings, fraud, and more specifically identity theft, has become a major criminal industry. It affects businesses and users alike and causes a great deal of financial and human damage.

The integration of remote identity verification services today allows us to fight against these frauds, but still faces more risks than face to face verification (deepfakes, masks, mass attempts…etc.). Due to the complexity of verifying a person behind a screen, remote ID verification has become a major challenge in Europe, and the driving force behind the creation of the European AML/CFT Directive (Combating the Financing of Terrorism). This directive has set out a series of measures aimed at better combating financial crime and ensuring greater transparency in financial transactions.

The ACPR (Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution) has developed a French equivalent which includes a remote verification process based on a PVID requirements framework certified by the ANSSI (The National Information Systems Security Agency). But what is the objective of the PVID standard? To create a uniform and trusted service offering for identity verification service providers.

How does our PVID solution work?

1. Video capture of document data and user's face

Our web and mobile SDKs enable dynamic capture of ID documents, thus exploiting security features that are difficult to detect in static mode. The capture is performed automatically when the quality is deemed sufficient, thus providing an image suitable for checking the document. The model of the identity document is then automatically identified. If the document contains an electronic chip, the tool performs an NFC capture of the component for a quick and reliable reading of the biometric document.

Our SDKs also allow a dynamic capture of the holder’s face during which he is asked to perform a series of head movements. This capture is then cross-referenced with the document data during analysis.

Throughout the entire process, our capture tools support your customers and optimize their experience in real time by providing them with practical advice to avoid any errors in the verification process.

2. Automated and manual data verification

The verification of the data from the document captures and the user’s face is done in two steps.

The first verification is carried out in a fully automated way. Document analysis is performed instantly by OCR and Deep Learning algorithms trained on millions of specific identity documents. It is performed in less than 12 seconds, on our own servers based in France, in strict compliance with the GDPR. Our API then performs a full identity verification through cross-checks between the user’s video and the photo extracted from the document.

In the second step, a manual analysis is then completed by trained fraud operators, who verify, correct and give a final verdict on the user data in less than 5 minutes.

Our hybrid solution offers end-to-end verification, thereby reducing fraud and complying with the requirements of various regulators. As an added bonus, our manual processing center is based in Europe, ensuring that you receive a GDPR compliant service.

3. Establishment of an evidence file and result submission

Once the analysis has been completed, an evidence envelope is produced, encrypted and stored before the result is submitted. Containing all the identification data as well as the intermediate and final results, it is kept for the duration required by the institution and available in case of dispute.

The result is then submitted to the company and includes the identity of the user, the dynamic captures of the document and of the customer’s face, as well as, in case of failure, the reason for the analysis failure.

All of these actions are completed and delivered in less than 6 minutes.

A suite of secure and optimized solutions for your customer journey

A suite of secure and optimized solutions for your customer journey

  • Compliant with PVID requirements

    Our solution complies with the requirements of the reference framework issued by the ANSSI and meets the vigilance measures imposed for entering into a remote relationship.

  • Improved user experience

    Throughout the verification process, the user is fully guided and has a smooth, immediate and seamless experience.

  • Decreased document fraud

    By verifying the authenticity of documents and checking the identity of the user, our service offers protection against fraud and identity theft.

  • GDPR Compliant

    Our servers are located in France and Romania, and personal data is protected and stored in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR.

Our Products


Digital verification via video-chat, backed by AI-technology. Our AML-compliant solution meets high security requirements.


Automated, AI-powered identity verification for users all over the world – anytime, anywhere. And AML-compliant.

Our automated instant identity verification is based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It’s simple, secure, and available anywhere, at any time. PVID

Identity verification is in the process of being certified by the ANSSI and complies with the Anti-Money Laundering Directives (AML-CFT) and meets high security requirements.


NFC-based solution for the electronic German identification card. Our identity verification solution with easy data scanning via smartphone. AML-compliant.


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